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First results of gathering data & evidence: 2nd meeting of HARP partners in Brussels

Nine months after the start of the project, HARP partners came together for the second project meeting on 29-30 January. Hosted in Brussels by ECOS, the meeting allowed for a general review of the project’s progress as well as for in-depth discussions about first results and upcoming deliverables.

At this stage of the project, much of the focus lies on gathering the data which will build the foundation of the HARP online application to motivate consumers to adopt more efficient heating systems.

Project partner NOVA IMS conducted a survey to analyse the different possible motivations which can push consumers to change their heating systems in each participating country. The insights from this survey will influence the design of the online tool. First preliminary findings were presented at the meeting and final results will be shared in our resources section soon.

The characterisation of each partner country’s heating appliances stock will establish an additional baseline upon which the existing opportunities on the market will be evaluated. The analysis details the most common solutions and technologies installed and allows the project to understand market trends and building constraints.  For more information you can read the final report here.

In addition, a deep characterization of the available heating technologies on the European market took place. The screening of heating solutions and their potential will inform the development of the application, which will guide the consumers step by step in the decision-making process to choose a new heating solution. Read the whole analysis here.

During the meeting the progress made on the subsequent step which consists in analysing the existing methodologies for labelling installed heating appliances was also discussed.

The project management board stayed in Brussels for an additional day dedicated to the first meeting with the Advisory Board, which allowed for a first round of external review and feedback.

The next project meeting scheduled for beginning of July, will see the finalisation of the evidence building phase and will focus on the labelling methodology, the creation of the online app and the planning of engagement campaigns at national level. In the meanwhile, we will inform you about project updates and relevant activities on our Twitter channel and on our website, stay tuned.

About the project:
HARP (Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning) is a project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme aiming to raise consumer awareness on the inefficiency of their heating systems and to accompany them in adopting efficient alternatives.