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All set for the launch of the HARP online tool – take a look at our national action plans

The Portuguese HARP National Action Plan focuses on the interaction with the consumer and energy experts.

The 1st heating season campaign will very much focus on digital interaction, with a strong social media presence and engagement activities online. On the consumers side, activities will also reach young and energy vulnerable consumers, making sure the benefits of energy efficient heating are shared with a wide community. For professionals, special relevance will be given to energy experts and the link to the national buildings energy certification system so that the energy class of existing heating systems can also be presented to the consumer.

Find out more about the Portuguese Action Plan.

The German HARP National Action Plan focuses on interaction with professional energy experts and end-consumers and streamlines the activities carried out in Germany within the HARP project.

The campaign will focus heavily on social media presence and online activities. Activities will be launched during the first heating campaign, from November 2020 to April 2021 with the aim to reach the public and to make the benefits of energy efficient heating available to a wider community. Energy experts advising consumers will be provided with the information material they can use in their daily work with consumers.

Find out more about the German Action Plan.

The French HARP National Action Plan focuses on the interaction with professional energy experts that have a pertinent effect on the consumer’s choices and structures the activities carried out in France within the HARP project. The campaign will focus on social media content and online activities and will follow a personal approach in communicating to the target group. Activities will be launched within the first heating campaign, from November 2020 to April 2021 with the aim to make the benefits of energy efficient heating available to a wider community. Professionals will be informed about the HARP project and provided with the material they can use in their daily work with consumers.

Find out more about the French Action Plan.

The Italian National Action Plan puts a strong accent on the professionals’ role, especially manufacturers and institutions. This is due to the action of HARP partners Assotermica and ENEA but also of the other stakeholders involved including their networks. During the first heating campaign there will be a focus on activities involving professionals, but also synergies with consumer associations with the aim to reach end users and raise their awareness, an element which will be crucial for the success of the HARP project.

Find out more about the Italian Action Plan here.

Would you like to know more? Get in touch with our project partners in your country!

About the project:
HARP (Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning) is a project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme aiming to raise consumer awareness on the inefficiency of their heating systems and to accompany them in adopting efficient alternatives.